Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I even wrote the times down people!
2:00 am - wake up to dog pawing me in the face to go outside. Bring said dog out and stumble back to bed.
2:34 am - Said dog pawing at bedroom window to be let back in because it was cold and raining. Get out of bed yet again while throwing disgusted look at husband wondering if he's pretending he doesn't hear her or if he's really that oblivious. Stumble out of bed to open the bedroom window (i.e. white trash doggy door because the dog decided it would be easier to go in and out via window and ate the screen) and let dog back in. Brings in other dog with her.
2:36 am - race back into bed before dogs steal my warm spot. Too late. Move over to edge of bed and go back to sleep, shivering.
4:00 am - wake up to husband pouring cold water in my face because I lost a bet and promised I would cook him breakfast. (Note to self: waking up at 4:00 am is no longer an item to bet with--sleep is too valuable to part with)
4:05 am - fix a cup of coffee.
4:06 am - spill said cup of coffee all over the living room carpet. Look at it and ultimately refuse to scrub it clean. Said carpet will be replaced in 2 weeks anyway.
4:07 - get more coffee
4:10 - go into kitchen to cook breakfast, only to realize we are out of milk and eggs (Note to self: lecture kids on not writing down when they take the last of something)
4:15 - go to room and throw on some jogging pants and a sweatshirt
4:20 - head out the door to store to buy breakfast
4:35 - realize that it's the middle of the night and no stores are open. Head back home.
4:45 - give husband disgusted look, tell him to take his bet and shove it up his butt and crawl back into bed. Go to sleep.
6:05 - wake up to alarm going off
6:10 - jump in shower, get dressed, do daily morning stuff
6:20 - wake up kids, put youngest ones clothes out on bed, make sure they are up and getting dressed before I leave room.
6:25 - go into kitchen and pack up lunch, bills, book, cell phone and other personal items I need to take care of while I'm at work (Note to self: NEVER tell boss about this blog)
6:30 - load up into car and head to babysitters
6:33 - get to babysitters, realize little one has left his shoes at home. Drive back home
6:45 - get back to babysitters with kids shoes. Realize he has a pair on the floor in the back seat. Cuss.
6:47 - head into work. fight traffic. Cuss more. This day is NOT starting off good.
7:29 - get to work (on time--miraculously!)
7:35 - 4:00 - getting paid. my work stuff is pretty boring...requested some medical records, answered some discovery, drafted some pleadings, answered some phone calls, bitched about pro-bono social security disability cases my boss has agreed to take--then letting me know that I'll be doing all the work. Read over said cases. Realize that 4 out of 5 are bogus. Cuss more.
4:01 - head home. Fight traffic again. Realize I'm almost out of gas. Decide not to stop.
4:45 - arrive at home to pick up the oldest child.
4:50 - arrive at babysitter to pick up the 2 younger ones. Head to religion class.
5:15 - arrive at religion class and drop daughter off. Head to Mo-Mo's house
5:17 - arrive at Mo-Mo's house and sit with her for 1.5 hours until mom returns from religion with daughter in tow. While at Mo-Mo's we empty out her change container (HUGE CONTAINER) and my dad asks us to pull out $15 in pennies so he can put them in his penny jar and he will replace with quarters. Me and oldest son count them out. Youngest son on the computer in spare bedroom. Finish counting pennies, marvel over how big of a mound only $15 in pennies is, and put rest of change back in container. Realize that 3/4 full container is now only 1/2 full. That was alot of pennies! (Side note: my dad has been collecting pennies in a 5 gallon Kentwood water container for as long as I can least 15 years. He still hasn't gotten it completely filled up yet)
7:05--leave Mo-Mo's house and head back home.
7:20 - arrive home and start cooking supper. Realize kitchen is filthy and refuse to cook in there until it's clean. Oldest son sheepishly looks at me because he know's that it is his job to make sure the kitchen is clean everyday before I get home. He does dishes and wipes off counters.
7:35 - I head back into the kitchen to make supper. Hamburger steaks, Baked Beans, Some herb noodles and rice and gravy.
8:05 - fix everyone's plate and gathers everyone for supper
8:08 - return to table to catch dog standing in chair eating son's supper. Refrain from beating dog and open back door instead, look at dog and say "Out. Now" Dog puts head down and goes outside....just like a kid b/c as soon as she gets near me she speeds up to make sure she doesn't get a whipping). fix kid another plate of food.
8:30 - head to kitchen to clean up supper dishes and make my lunch for the next day.
8:45 - jump in shower to relax
9:00 - get in bed and watch American Idol (DVR'd)
Fall asleep sometime during AI.
Actually, in retrospect this was a pretty atypical day for me. I mean, there were no practices and I actually cooked supper.
How to Plan Your Day
6 years ago
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