Saturday, March 29, 2008

I've been Tagged - The Book MeMe

I've been tagged by Giftie. So...The Book Meme:

1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next three sentences.

5. Tag five people.

1: "Daddy Next Door" by Ginger Chambers (a Harlequin romance novel)

2-4: You're married and the people of Tyler know about it. So the only thing we can do--George and I--is to support you all the way. If you want me to, I'll pretend that I knew about it all the time.

5: Jess, Shirl, Sandi, Tanya and Kristi H., YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Our schedule:

Monday 7:00 - Nic t-ball practice
Tuesday 6:00 - Brendan baseball practice
Wednesday 5:45 - Nic t-ball practice
Thursday 6:00 - Brendan baseball practice
Friday 5:30 - Destiny softball practice

Weekends - Brendan baseball tourneys, except for next weekend and Mother's Day weekend.

Social life for me and Keith - nonexistent.

Ugh....but you know what, we love it!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Party Pics

Counting his loot from The Great Easter Egg Hunt!
Opening up some gifts

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You!

There's candy inside these eggs? Score!


My baby turned 5 yesterday. Sniff, sniff. I no longer have any "babies", they are all grown now. We had his party at Jambalaya Park in Gonzales and I think it was a pretty fabulous turnout. The kids seemed to have lots more fun playing on the equipment rather than having an actual party...Nicolas included! Good thing I'm not a time management freak because I was doing good to get the party in before dark! We had cake (which my mom made and was delicious!), we had pizza, we had candy, we had cookies and we had Capri Sun. I just laid everything out on the table and let the kids graze at will.

The hardest part of the whole party was lighting the candles. It was sooooo windy! But that was okay because he didn't seem to concerned anyway. When we got home we did it properly and he was able to blow them all out. This was my first attempt at a weeknight party also. I didn't expect to have alot of people show up, but it was a decent turnout. We were lucky in that there weren't many extra kids there just playing. There were a couple and I was happy to have them participate in the party, but a Saturday/Sunday afternoon crowd would not have been bearable.

I carried around all the party items in the back of my car and went home after work to ice the drinks down and then headed over to the park to set up. It wasn't too bad....except that I made a planned stop at Walmart to pick up a sandwich tray that I had ordered, but it turns out that they didn't make it. I was pretty peeved at first, but in hindsight it wasn't necessary. We had lots of pizza and cake and cookies to sustain the kids ;)

The Easter Egg Hunt was a hit. I could remember my mom always doing those with DJ and Sandi's parties and I missed that. Some thick clovers would have been nice, but with kids under the age of 5 we did good by just throwing them on the ground! So, for me, it was a success. Now that it's over, I can concentrate on Easter!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Add Department of Social Services to the list.....

I may have mentioned it before, but I have not necessarily been the model citizen in my 29 years on this earth. I have done my fair share of crap, I have been arrested and I spent the night in jail (non-violent or drug related activities thank you). That being said, I would NEVER harm a child. Not mine, not anyone else's.

However, my son's Pre-K teacher thinks differently. Picture this, I'm at my place of work--a LAW office--and we have a deposition starting in 10 minutes. I just went meet the plaintiff attorney and the plaintiff and talked to them for a while. (Side note: the attorney told me on the phone yesterday that his client, "was two tacos shy of a combination platter." and he was right.) Moving on, I get back to my desk and my co-worker tells me that I left my cell phone on. Oops. So I check it, expecting it to be Keith, but it's some weird number that i've never seen before. So I call it back and it's H. M. with Department of Social Services and he needs me and my husband to come into his office ASAP because someone has brought a complaint of child abuse against us because of the bruising on Nicolas' body. Can you say DISTRAUGHT??? I couldn't function. I went in my boss' office and shut the door and immediately broke down. He is such an awesome man...he had his daughters ring ceremony at work and he told me that if he needed me to he would come with me and miss that. He tried to reassure me that it was all routine and something they had to do but everything would be ok because it was obviously not true. He told me to stay in his office as long as I needed and he would leave me in there so I could talk on the phone privately.

Now let me tell you about Nicolas. He will be 5 on Monday. He is less than 3 feet tall and weighs 26 pounds. He's just tiny. But he THINKS that he is as big as his big brother and can do whatever he does. He plays tackle football, he wrestles, and he literally bounces off the floor and walls. He is covered in bruises from head to toe. But they are "little boy" bruises from being such a rough and tumble kid. NOT bruises from abuse.

So Keith and I go to the Department of Social Services. We are interviewed and "in order for the child to stay in the home we have to come up with an 'alternative discipline program'" Leave it to my husband to use this situation to get cocky. He tells the lady that he just won't discipline them anymore and let them take a gun to school when he's 15 and shoot people. I died. Literally, I think my heart stopped beating and I died for a second right there on the spot. The lady told us to hold on and she was going to get the supervisor. I just knew that was the end.

Now, you may wonder why I am writing this for the world to see, but it's more of a public service announcement. Obviously, this can happen to ANY parent and happens frequently with educators. Now, they didn't outright tell us that it was his teacher, but based on the conversations we made the logical assumption that it was her. The bruise that got us called in there was on his butt. Now I asked the lady what anyone was doing looking at my child's butt, and why wasn't one of his parents present when he was checked out. Since she couldn't tell me who called it in she couldn't explain that one to me. But now I have to make the decision of going to the school and opening a can of worms. My kids have many years left at this school and while I don't think beyond a shadow of a doubt that the teacher is NOT a child molester, it still concerns me. They are PRe-K and maybe she was helping a little boy out in the bathroom or something while Nic was peeing. That would be the only acceptable explanation to me.

Anyway, the supervisor at DSS comes in and she is hilarious. She is down to earth and she makes us feel comfortable, or me at least. Now, here's where the public service announcement comes in. DSS does allow spanking. And they encourage you to spank them. She even told us that if we felt they needed to be spanked, because sometimes kids do, that we could use a ruler. They have to come in when the abuse leaves marks, such as bruises. But if there are no marks or bruises they can't do anything about it. And, so say, bruises and paint stirrers don't leave marks. She assured us that they would get an "outsider opinion" from someone and then close their files because it obviously wasn't a case of abuse. But goddamnit I still feel like I somehow did something wrong and now people will be looking at my kids closely and monitoring our parenting skills. While I'm glad that educators are looking out for stuff, I'm not super excited that someone would think that I'm a child abuser.

In other news, I finally got things cleared up with the bank today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I hate banks. Seriously.

So, I go to put gas in my new guzzler this morning and a note pops up on the screen "Please see cashier." Well, I was running late and isn't the point of having a debit card NOT having to go in and see the cashier. So I figured I could make it to work and just get gas at lunch time. Well, on my way to work I get a text message from Keith, "I just tried to get breakfast. Card doesn't work. How much money did you spend?" Seriously? BOTH cards not working. And getting declined at the gas pump is a whole lot less embarrassing than getting declined face to face with a cashier and a line of people behind you--and not having any cash in your wallet!

So when I get to work, I check my online banking. NEGATIVE $440. WHAT??? I must admit, I'm not the best when it comes to balancing a checkbook, but I have learned to "hide" money in there. So there's no way it could be negative, especially not THAT MUCH. So I'm looking at all the line entries and I notice that there are multiple duplicate charges. And these are not $4 and $5 charges, they are ATM withdrawals of $200, credit transactions of $93 and $118 posted TWICE, along with a few other small ones posted twice. Not to mention 10 NSF charges in the amount of $32 each. So I get on the phone with the bank.

My conversation with the bank goes something like this.

Me: "Hi. I was just looking over my online banking transactions and it appears that there are multiple duplicate charges made to my account that made it go negative and then accrue NSF charges."

Bank: "Yeah, our system ended up posting transactions twice on some accounts and we're working to get it fixed. Don't worry, those NSF charges will be reversed." (Oh, you better BELIEVE they will be!)

Me: "Really. Well, I need gas in my car and I can't use my card. Do you have any idea when this will be corrected."

Bank: "N0. It could be a couple of hours or a couple of days."

Me: "Well, it better be a couple of hours because if I can't get home tonight because I don't have any gas I WILL be sitting inside the branch until it's corrected."

Bank: "Maam, the braches close at 4:30."

Me: "Well, looks like you have until then to get it fixed. Thanks and have a nice day." Hang up.

Ugh. Can't we go back to the old days of hiding money under the mattress?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Weight Loss

I'm on a quest to lose weight. No, I am not dieting. I am not restricting myself to THAT word. Diets scare me and I'm off of 'em before I can start 'em. So I am just going to lose weight. The amount or rate of loss is not important to me right now. If I lose 2 pounds per week, then I should have the excess of in about nine months....right around the time K has her baby :)

Anyway, I know that drinking water is key to losing weight. I know it, but I don't like it. So the first step to my weight loss program is adding in some water. Here is a link to the best site I've come across on WHY you need to drink more water

So, step 1. Drink more water. I've already drank 2 of the 1 liter bottles of water, not to mention the fact that I've gone to the bathroom 16 times today. That doesn't do much for my billable time! LOL!

Next week, we'll add Step 2. Right now, I'm just focusing on Step 1.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Name Is.......

Kiddddddddd Rock.

Me and my friend Tanya went to the Kid Rock concert in Biloxi last Wednesday. We took off of work at noon that day and drove out there. Originally it was supposed to be me and Keith, but he bailed on me because he was up for a promotion at work and didn't want to miss any days. Whatever. We had a FANTASTIC time and now I know why that man has so many groupies!

The concert was energy from the freakin get go. We had seats on the floor (note to self: do not wear the knee high black boots with 3 inch heels when you will be standing up for 4 hours. end note.) and have some great pictures and videos. There was no opening act...all him all the time. He had some guy from the Alleman Brothers band come out at one point and they did a little throwback to some old country. Then he had Reverend Run from Run DMC come out and they did some throwback rap. I mean, this concert was in the top 3 of the best I've ever been to. He had music from all genres and even a little mixing skit that was hilarious!

Tanya and I both agreed that if we had the opportunity we would definitely catch this concert again. Yeah, he's pretty raunchy and just a little bit white trash.....but so am I! ;)