Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Barbara Walters and the Christmas debate

Let me start this off by saying that I grew up wanting to be Barbara Walters. I even majored in Mass Comm thinking that I would be the next great journalist. Obviously, that didn't work out the way I planned....but I digress.

On The View she started going off because she received a Christmas card from the President of the United States (I sure wouldn't mind receiving one!). In this particular card, there was a Bible verse. Her thoughts was that the President should not be sending out cards of this nature. What about the athiest? What about the Muslims? What about those people that don't celebrate Christmas? You know what I say....screw 'em.

Seriously, just because he is the President of the United States is he supposed to hide the fact that he is a Christian? Does being in that position mean that he has to hide his beliefs and feelings? More importantly, does being the President of the United States mean that you have to give up all of you First Amendment rights?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not all for pushing your beliefs on someone else. I am Catholic. My husband is Baptist. He does not for the LIFE of him understand what I get out of going to church at a Catholic Church (sometimes I have to agree with him, but we won't ever let him know that!). We have spirited debates about the issue. We offer thoughts and insights that other has not thought of. But we don't force our opinions on people outside of our marriage. When the Jehovah Witnesses come knocking at my door I politely tell them that I appreciate their belief in their religion, but I do not wish to convert at this time. They thank me and move on to the next house.

Anyway, I think I have a point somewhere in here. Oh yeah, here it is. Why do we hear negative thoughts about people who promote Christianity, but we never hear negative things about those that are pushing atheism on others? Why must the millions of people in this country bow down and roll out the red carpet for the 14% (or whatever number, I think that's what I remember hearing but I could be wrong) that are not Christians? What about the rest of us? Where do we fall in the mix?

Monday, November 19, 2007

My First Entry...

A Little About Me:

I just need a place to put down some random thoughts. I have a myspace page, but that just seems to "public" for me. I work downtown for a law firm and have an hour drive to work and back home everyday. So that puts me on the road for 2 hours everyday with all the time in the world to THINK. So I come up with some pretty random stuff and alot of times I wish I had someone to bounce ideas off of. I have friends with blogs, and I like to read and comment on other blogs, so I figured that I would start my own!

I enjoy spirited debates and I like bringing up topics that spark emotion in people. I enjoy seeing another view point on subjects and although I don't always change my mind, I do start thinking of things in a different way sometimes. I was brought up in a small town with very narrow minded thought processes. I am slowly but surely breaking away from those processes and branching out, but I still have some work to do on that!

I have been married for almost 8 years and have 3 kids. I will mostly refer to them as Bren (11 year old boy), Des (8 year old girl) and Nic (4 year old boy). These kids are the center of my universe and I spend almost all of my free time chasing them around doing the things they love. People sometimes ask me how I do it...and my only response is that my house stays messy. Some people spend most of their free time cleaning while I spend most of mine hanging out with the kids.

So sit back, relax and enjoy this ride with me. I don't think I will be posting everyday, but I will post often and usually they will be long. Looking for a good debate? I have TONS of topics that I've written down to talk about!