Thursday, April 17, 2008


Imagine waking up from a dead sleep at 5:45 am (15 minutes AFTER you are supposed to be up) to your house phone ringing. While I didn't find this PARTICULARLY odd, I was curious. See, Keith knows about my inability to get up in the morning so he calls religiously at 6am to make sure I'm up and moving around. But it's always at 6:00 on the dot. Never 6:01 or 5:59, but always 6. So to hear the phone ringing at 5:45 was odd. Our phone conversation went something like this:

Me: (Groggily) Good mornin' honey.

Him: Hey. You up?

Me: Yeah. Did you make coffee?

Him: No. I got in wreck.

Me: Haha. Ok, I'm up now I promise.

Him: No. Seriously. My truck is totalled.

Me: (Mentally making sure that I paid the insurance premiums for this month) OMG. Was it your fault?

Him: No, some guy rear ended me and turned the truck around in the other lane and then some chick hit me on the passenger side. My truck is really totalled.

Me: You're not lying huh? Are you ok?

Him: Yeah I'm fine but can you come and get me?

Me: Sure. Let me get the kids up and dressed and I'll be there shortly. Where are you?

Mad dash ensues to get kids up at ungodly hour of 6 am. And they protested. LOUDLY. But I got them up, dressed and to the babysitter and was headed to Keith by 6:05.

Arrived on the scene and it's not pretty. Truck is definitely totalled. Took Keith to work (amazingly he's fine...well, right now. I'm fairly certain that he will be hurting tomorrow though). Now, the dealings with the insurance company take place. THIS ought to be fun. At least I have a team of lawyers on my side willing to work for free to get me top dollar for his truck. Ugh.


Giftie Etcetera said...

That sucks. Big time sucks.

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