Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day!

I'm not expecting anything from my husband. I figure that our 8 year anniversary is on the 25th and I'm honestly not expecting anything for that either. I guess I just don't "get" the whole gift giving thing. Especially on a manufactured holiday. I mean, we buy stuff we want when we want it. And if it's a big ticket item we discuss it with the other person beforehand and the cost and evaluate when/if we'll get it. Kinda like the boat he's been wanting for a few just keeps falling further and further down the priority list.

Anyway, while I'm not going to be traipsing Walmart at lunch time today for anything for my husband...I will be perusing the aisles for stuff for my kids. They don't understand about the manufactured holiday...especially after getting a bounty of stuff from mawmaw and nanny sandi last night.

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